Friday, June 13, 2008

fRiDay tHe 13tH..iTs mY dAy!

This is a nice day today
some peole say its not
because its friday the 13th
but for me its not. Because i
made a sale for this day and
the good thing is my friend
is signing a contract
nextweek. Friday the 13th is
a very special day for me
because God made it special
for me. I'm hoping that i
will find the right guy every
friday the 13th. The good
thing this day we will have a
a bonding with our group (
the bangagan groups) with our
T.L Chariss An BaƱanola but
the bad thig is thre's always
person that do'nt belong in
the group thats make our day
BAD ( I don't want to mention
a name). But its okay because
we ignore his presence. But
sadiest part of our group
binding is our OM (john llyod
gallo) cant join us. I hope
it was the bad omen who could
not join us instead of llyod.
But its okay because one of
our friend will join and she
will "kill" the bad omen we
call her etitz thw omen
slayer. I hope she will do
her job so we enjoy our
bonding.That's all for the
day I have to go muah.

1 comment:

~cNeT NiKo~ said...

who is that bad person or bad omen? is that me huh?! tell me the truth..hmm..