Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Learn to Just Kiss and Say Goodbye

How to handle a situation when you love someone who does not love you is to just kiss and say goodbye. All relationships are not meant to happen and does not always last. The saying is that all good things come to an end. The adage goes just kiss and say goodbye is most appropriate.

People are complicated and when you find one who you think is the "one" more often than not you will do everything you can to try to hold onto him. You must receive a reciprocation or a response from the other person to call it a real relationship. Sometimes you do receive an agreement that each one of you have found the right "one." Then for no apparent reason than two people growing apart, the relationship disapates. He stops calling to talk with you or to be with you. He has reasons to be other places than with you. The bottom line is that he just fell out of love with you. More often than not, he has found someone else to fill the void that somehow you thought you had filled. How to handle someone you love who do not love you? You just kiss and say goodbye.

While all of his emotions are changing for you and heading to someone else, you do not have a clue and refuse to accept the fact that the relationship is over. You lie to yourself and start to accept the lame answers that leave you alone again without the one who you are sure is the "one." Then you begin to think and to rationalize that if he is the one for you, why is his time being spent away from you in the company of another. His excuses wake you up to the fact that you are in love with someone who does not love you. Your first reaction is a sense of denial as you view the slides on your computer of the two of your smiling and having fun together. You know that the end of the relationship is upon you because once again, you are alone without him and you wonder what went wrong.

You first recourse is to try to fix the broken relationship and see what you can do to bring the two of you back together. You try to be understanding and to argue less because of being stood up again with another excuse. You want to know why does he just tell you that he does not love you anymore. You want to know what is it about you that did not keep the relationship together. Then you realize that some couples just grow apart or loses the magic that bought the two of them together. You vow to delete his contact information on your cell phone and to delete all of his emails and hopefully the deletions will also delete your love for you.

Love of another person is not easily deleted when you thought you had it going on and then he flipped the page and left you questioning his moves. Although he was not able to man up and tell you that his love for you is gone, you step in and complete the question for yourself. You are woman enough and smart enough to stop wasting your time and decide to have a talk with the person that you now can not understand. He does not love you and all of the evidence is there. He knows that if he leaves, he takes a great part of your life with him. You think of the sacrifices you made to be with him and how you gave your all to a relationship that you thought would last.

You decide the best way to handle the I love you but you do not love me situation is to just kiss and silently say goodbye. You find other interests. You do not rush out to meet someone else because love from you was forever. You do not know where to go from here. You throw yourself into your work and take up knitting of all things. Eventually, you accept the fact that it is fruitless to continue to carry love lost with you everywhere you go. Your surmise the nonsense of having thoughts of him with everything that you do. You decide to just say goodbye to a relationship that was so real to you but was something less to him. You decide that sometimes broken things needs to be thrown away and forgotten. You handle someone you love who do not love you by adding that relationship to the toss it pile and concentrate on what you have decided to keep.

You made the decision to keep your self worth, something that though shared can not be taken from you. You make the effort to move on and to find your good that has always been available to you. You finally understand that love lost from another does not mean to lose love for yourself. You handle someone you love who do not love by etching a new path to getting to know yourself better. You reach within yourself and find the strength that is there to move on. You build on the joy of knowing that at one time you loved and lost but you are grateful for having loved another so deeply. You just kiss and say goodbye,

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